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Lived Experience Advisory Panel

Lived Experience Advisory Panel provides lived experience expertise to the Centre’s work.

Meaningful inclusion of lived experience in research and policymaking is one of the key principles of the Modern Slavery PEC’s work. To make sure that our work is meaningfully informed and co-produced with people with lived experience of modern slavery, we created a Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP).

The panel is made up of six individuals who have lived experience of modern slavery and acts as a liaison across the PEC team, bringing their wealth of knowledge into the day-to-day work of the Centre.

The Panel’s responsibilities include:

  • Providing meaningful input across the Modern Slavery PEC’s work and initiatives designed to support people with lived experience.
  • Providing meaningful input into the Centre’s vision and strategic plans and priorities;
  • Advising on the overall picture, coverage and development of the Modern Slavery PEC’s research and policy impact programme, including its delivery processes, research ethics, evaluation principles, framework and plans;
  • Advising on the Centre’s links and relationships and partnerships with the wider community, including policymakers, business, academic and non-academic researchers and civil society;
  • Advising on funding calls issued by the Centre;
  • Reviewing and providing feedback on the outputs produced and funded by the Centre.

The Centre ensures a trauma-informed approach to working with the members of the Panel.