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Look through the full list of the Modern Slavery PEC research projects
Project investigating barriers to the identification and recognition of modern slavery and human trafficking of children in Northern Ireland.
A project exploring the key ethical issues involved in conducting high-quality modern slavery research
Research project analysing the impact of the UK Nationality and Borders Act's modern slavery provisions on survivors.
Project working with survivors to identify language more effective in increasing the understanding of modern slavery in the UK.
Fellowship focused on assessing the support for children with lived experience of modern slavery delivered through the guardianship service in England and Wales.
Research project to examine cultural understanding in responses to modern slavery in the UK
Research to improve earlier identification of disabled children and young people at risk of exploitation and trafficking.
Research project aiming to improve prevention and identification of modern slavery of children and young people in the UK.
Research project investigating the risk of human trafficking for unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children in Home Office operated hotels
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